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Parse SoundFont

These examples mainly focus on extracting data.

SoundFont3 constructor expects a Uint8Array binary.

With Node.js

import { readFileSync } from 'fs'
import { SoundFont3 } from 'SoundFont3'

// Do not specify any encoding
const soundFontBuffer = readFileSync('soundFontFile.sf3')
const soundFont3 = new SoundFont3(soundFontBuffer)

With fetch

import { SoundFont3 } from 'SoundFont3'

  .then((body) => body.arrayBuffer())
  .then((arrayBuffer) => {
    // Typecast ArrayBuffer to Uint8Array
    const soundFontBuffer = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer)
    const soundFont3 = new SoundFont3(soundFontBuffer)

Read metadata

const metaData = soundFont3.metaData

Example output:

  version: '2.1',
  soundEngine: 'EMU8000',
  name: 'Yamaha-Grand-Lite',
  rom: undefined,
  romVersion: undefined,
  creationDate: undefined,
  author: undefined,
  product: undefined,
  copyright: 'Creative Commons',
  comments: undefined,
  createdBy: 'Polyphone'